Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Casting Call for 2011 Pageant

   A casting call, and production prod is being issued for Voices of San Juan, a local pageant which will be performed the last weekend in July 2011.  If interested meet Tuesday at the LDS Stake Center between 7-9 PM on April 19 or call Alyn Mitchell 678-3003 or Shauna Black 678-3130. 
  Other pageant committee members include  Charlotta Lacy, Genevieve Ford, and Joann Barlow.  They invite anyone with a desire to help, to come on the 19th and “let us know what you are willing to do.”    
    At least 100 people are needed to help with the production.  Voices and actors are needed for re-enactments, and other volunteers are needed to help with site preparation, set up, props, lights, costumes and technical support.  Pre-show performers are also needed.
     “Community service always looks good on a resume, application to college or  Sterling Scholar portfolios,” emphasized Mitchell, “and we can use youth as well as adults in this effort.”
   For those unfamiliar with Voices of San Juan, the pageant is a grass roots historical-religious production sponsored by The Children of Lehi organization and choir which was formed in 1998.  Staged in the gorgeous red rock country of San Juan County, the pageant is a depiction of the need to break down stereotypes and racial and cultural barriers between all peoples.  The basic theme and underlying message of the pageant is about tolerance for all people.
      Visionaries Ike Chamberlain, Steve Lovell, and Alon Pugh masterminded the original production and script.   Initially the story of Luke Hathale and his Beliganna Mormon friend was first performed at Dry Wash Reservoir.
     Later it moved to the Nations of the Four Corners amphitheater, and most recently to the Charlie Sipes’ LDS church property.  A few years ago both stakes of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints added their support; the script was expanded and radically changed to include local history (including a piece on the Navajo Code Talkers); as well as adding more sophisticated lighting and beautiful, professional soundtrack recordings.   
            "We feel like this area has a tale to tell, as wonderful as any other pageant and area around," Mitchell stated, "and we are out to make it happen."  "It takes a community to make a pageant like this evolve into what we have envisioned," Mitchell further said, "and we invite anyone from our local communities (Monticello, Blanding, Bluff, etc.) to come and join us in making it into the amazing production we know it will become.  So, don't miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something truly special."


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